Conference Themes
The themes for the Cambridge symposium, in line with the terms of reference of Technical Committee TC204, are as below.
Full papers will be made available to conference delegates and will be published in a printed Conference Proceedings by Taylor and Francis.
The Conference will attract an international audience of academics and practitioners. Presenters will be encouraged to highlight the theoretical insights and practical implications to a multi-disciplinary audience that is attracted to new, transformative ideas.
The first two days of the symposium will consist of technical sessions with presentations of General Reports and individual papers.
The third day will be dedicated to the technical visit to the work sites of the new Thames Tideway Tunnel project, which will be under construction at the time of the symposium. Delegates joining the technical visit will enjoy a memorable trip to the project on a privately chartered boat on the River Thames in the heart of London.
- Field case studies
- Physical and numerical modelling of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground
- The effect of underground construction activities on existing structures
- Design and application of ground improvement for underground construction
- Sensing technologies and monitoring for underground construction in soft ground
- Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures
- Seismic response of underground infrastructure in soft ground